
We are made for relationship with God and one another. One of the clearest and most powerful moments we experience that reality is when we gather together to worship the One who made us. Gathering to worship is essential in our spiritual pilgrimage of knowing God and ourselves. Every Sunday we gather to worship our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in prayer, song, Word and communion.


What can you expect on Sunday mornings? Think of gatherings with Redeemer like meeting with friendsWe gather to remember God's promise to renew our souls, families, communities, and world. Through the use of ancient Christian and spontaneous prayers, singing a blend of new and traditional songs of praise, weekly celebration of the Lord’s Supper, the affirmation of our beliefs through historic creeds and through it all the reading and teaching of Holy Scripture, our worship adheres to a rhythm that has been used by Christ’s followers since the earliest days of the Church.


We love children and they are welcome to stay in the service! Redeemer hires professionally trained and equipped childcare workers in the nursery for ages 0-3. You will find "Busy Boards" as you enter the worship service for children wishing to worship with their parents. They are clipboards with a worship bulletin and other things for your kiddos to enjoy during the service. Don't worry about your children making noise. It reminds each of us of the beauty of childhood and the gift of life.

After worshipping with their church family through songs of praise, children 3-5 are invited to go to Next Step just before the sermon for a time of teaching and worship that is designed just for them. 

For more about our Children's Ministry, click here.


Spiritual Formation Classes: 9:00am-9:45am (fall & spring for all ages; off for winter & summer)

Worship Service: 10:05am (Nursery available for children 3 and under)


Historically Connected

Trends come and go, but some things have a sort of "staying" power. That doesn't make the trend insignificant, but it does mean that there is something behind the trend worth knowing. To be a Christian is to be part of a movement of God that extends throughout the ages. It includes both those who came before us as well as those who come after us. Therefore, a genuine Christian community will be a community that stands on the wisdom of those before us and builds for the generations to come.

Presently Comprehensible

The incarnation of God in the person of Jesus Christ is a clear statement that God desires us to know Him. Jesus came that we might know God and to have life today. Even if you have very little experience with the church or if perhaps you have had terrible experiences, it is the hope of Redeemer to be a place where you can experience the power of God's love today. What the gospel offers is freedom to approach God through Christ and that hope defines our approach to spirituality and life.

Future Oriented

Jesus says that there is a day coming where He will personally wipe away every tear, that He will utterly remove all sickness and heartache, and that He will fully make new our souls. It is this great gospel hope that will guide and direct this community of faith. A longing for this promise of God is expressed and experienced as we gather to worship Him.


What kind of people attend Redeemer?

Redeemer is a young church where many different types of people gather. It is our desire that the Redeemer community would be as beautifully diverse as our city is. The Gospel breaks down all sorts of barriers that separate people and Redeemer is a community bound by that hope. 

How should I dress?

However you would like. Styles and preferences vary so come dressed comfortably. Shorts, dresses, sandals or boots.

What happens when I get there?

When you arrive, you can make your way to the information table. There you wiil find information on who Redeemer is and someone will be able to answer any immediate questions you may have. Grab a bulletin, a cup of coffee, and when you hear the music then you can begin to make your way into the Worship Service.

What about children?

We love children and they are welcome to stay in the service! Redeemer hires professionally trained and equipped childcare workers in the nursery for ages 0-3. You will find "Busy Boards" as you enter the worship service. They are clipboards with a worship bulletin and other things for your kiddos to enjoy during the service. Don't worry about your children making noise. It reminds each of us of the beauty of childhood and the gift of life.

What is the service like?

The worship service is a dialogue (of sorts) between the community and God. The service includes music, prayers (silent and spoken), readings from Scripture, greeting one another (friendly and brief), a sermon, an offering, the Eucharist (a celebration of an ancient meal also known as the Lord's Supper), and a closing prayer. The worship service lasts for just over an hour, give or take a few minutes.

Am I required to do anything during the service?

No. An invitation to join in the Eucharist is given to all who profess to believe the Christian faith. If you don't believe or are not sure, we ask you not to participate in this part of the service. We would not ask you to do anything that would compromise your conscience or authenticity.

Why does Redeemer meet at 800 Brooks St.?

Redeemer is a young church and though we have purchased land, she does not yet have a building of her own. However, part of the beauty of being in the stage that Redeemer is in is that we get to think creatively about how to use space in our city. We consider it a great privilege to use the spaces we have used thus far and we consider it a wonderful opportunity to care for others by caring for the facilities we meet in. A time will come when Redeemer has her own building, but even then the design will be for the building to be a place where others in our community can meet as well. We do not exist simply for the sake of ourselves. We exist to be an encouragement to our community and neighbors and we look forward to more chances to do so.