A Praying life Seminar

This seminar is not for victorious Christians, but Christians defeated in the trenches, asking… How do I focus when I’m distracted with so much to do? How do I pray longer than five minutes? How do I ask when I’ve tried it before and it doesn’t work?

Delving into our frustrations, we look at Jesus’ powerful yet simple teachings on prayer. We practice becoming child-like, patterning after Jesus’ own teaching and style of praying. We learn to ask our Father anything – with eyes wide open to the story he is creating in our lives. Further practical tools and helps are explained and demonstrated. Throughout the sessions people have time to pray, making real what they learned. 


Friday-Saturday, February 25-26, 2022


Friday, 6:00-9:15 p.m. and continuing Saturday, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Check-in: Friday, February 25, 6:00 p.m.

Location: Education Building/Fellowship Hall 800 Brooks Street, Sugar Land, TX 77479


Snacks on Friday night, Continental breakfast at 8:00 a.m. Saturday

Cost: $15/person. 

Registration: Eventbrite


Available by contacting the church office at admin@redeemersl.org.

introducing "A praying life"

A Praying Life began as a weekend seminar in a friend's basement and went on to become a best-selling book, now in it's second edition, that has helped some 350,000 Christians learn how to pray! A Praying Life helps badly praying Christians—that’s 99% of us—discover the joy of prayer. Through our seminars, we help you practice becoming child-like, patterning our prayers after Jesus’ own teaching and prayers. If you’ve ever struggled with or felt defeated during prayer, A Praying Life is for you!


workshop speaker

For more information, please visit www.seejesus.net

  • REv. Bob AlLums

    Bob Allums (M.Div), Director of A Praying Life for seeJesus, has taught over 100 prayer seminars around the world in countries including Morocco, Turkey, England, Spain and Australia. Bob, who served in pastoral ministry for 14 years, gauges the success of a seminar not by comments such as, “That was great!” but by declarations like, “I can actually do this now!” Bob is co-presenter, along with Paul Miller, on seeJesus’ 30 Days to A Praying Life. Anyone who has worked, worshipped, or even been in the same room with Bob for long knows that his one-of-a-kind laugh is nearly 100% contagious. Bob and his wife, Helen, have three married children and two grandsons and live in central Florida.


“The A Praying Life Seminar is the most practical training in prayer possible, yet it is rooted in biblical theology. I highly recommend it.”

- Rev. Tim KellerRedeemer Presbyterian Church, New York, NY;
Author of A Prodigal God, The Reason for God, The Meaning of Marriage

“This is as fine a book on prayer that you will ever read, but it is so much more. It is the story of our struggle to actually live like we believe that our Heavenly father really does love us. If we did, nothing could keep us from being committed to the day by day hard work of prayer. Paul exegetes our struggle in a way that is convicting, insight giving and encouraging. This is a book on prayer that actually makes you want to pray!”

- Paul David Tripp, President Paul Tripp Ministries;
Author of Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands, Age of Opportunity